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Test Result : TileAccordionKeyStrokes key down

0 failures (±0)
8 tests (±0)
Took 0.25 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
TileAccordionKeyStrokes key down considers filtered tiles32 msPassed
TileAccordionKeyStrokes key down does nothing if a tile in the last row is already selected27 msPassed
TileAccordionKeyStrokes key down selects the first tile if no tile is selected yet29 msPassed
TileAccordionKeyStrokes key down selects the first tile if no tile is selected yet or the focused tile was in a collapsed group29 msPassed
TileAccordionKeyStrokes key down selects the last tile if below the focused tile is no tile31 msPassed
TileAccordionKeyStrokes key down selects the only tile if there is only one35 msPassed
TileAccordionKeyStrokes key down selects the tile in the grid below if the selected tile is in the last line of the current group41 msPassed
TileAccordionKeyStrokes key down selects the tile in the grid below if the selected tile is in the last line of the current group but only if the group is not collapsed34 msPassed